Monday, May 2, 2011

Technical Difficulties

Jimmy TehFreak here,

Here's a small clarification on the problems and delays.

I own the domains, and, and take care of all the webmastering duties and business end of the websites under the Canadians on Productions umbrella, as well as all the videos and blogs that have my name on them (Kellen Nitor and Not That Guy handle the ones of which I am not a part of)

The issue with the delay with is this - I do not own the domain. An outside investor purchased the domain and chose to register it with a hosting service I'm unfamiliar with (he uses dreamhost and I use godaddy) - so not only is it an issue that I'm unfamiliar with the hosting service, but if there is a problem everything is under the owners name so I cannot rectify the issue right away. I'm waiting on a fix to the domain issues.

HOWEVER - I am happy to announce that the first issue and showcase is coming online in the next 18 hours - as I interview one of the co-owners of an upcoming Graphic Novel being published by Arcana comics. More details to come on that note.

Until then, I apologize for lack of activity and a delayed launch - but in the end - it will all be worth it.

Freak out ;)

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